Business Plan





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Business Plan(圖1)-速報App

This app is designed to lead you through writing your own business plan.

While there may be some elements of the finished document that would benefit from professional input from an accountant, marketing expert, etc, you should be able

to write the main elements of this plan yourself.

I believe that it is important for the person who will have to carry out the plan

to have ownership of all the ideas in it.

One reason for this is that you must also be able to present it in person, which is

more difficult if you have not been closely involved in preparing it. A second reason is that writing the plan helps you to hone its contents.

Business Plan(圖2)-速報App

Sitting in front of a business partner or prospective investor is a bad time to find you are not utterly familiar with the plan or that there is a hole in the logic you hadn’t thought of.

What you will learn in this topic:

1. The structure of the plan within a business plan

2. Summary within a business plan

3. The business background within a business plan

4. The market within a business plan

5. Operations within a business plan

Business Plan(圖3)-速報App

6. Management within a business plan

7. The proposal within a business plan

8. The forecast within a business plan

9. Financial information within a business plan

10. Risks within a business plan

11. Legal issues and confidentiality within a business plan

12. Selling your business within a business plan

Business Plan(圖4)-速報App

13. The internal business plan within a business plan

Business Plan(圖5)-速報App